Apache Solr
Powerful search engine for your application
Apache Solr is one of the most popular and powerful search engine. Here is a basic overview how to configure Solr to work with TYPO3 websites via tx_solr extension. The configuration involves many settings at various locations. Hope the following information will help you.
Basic workflow of Solr set up for TYPO3 tx_solr extension
- Install solr at /var/lib/solr
- Create your custom solr folder
- Confirm start.jar present in the new folder
- Copy the typo3lib folder where solr is installed
- Add the entry in the solr.xml file (path solr/solr.xml)
- Create the core directories (e.g. website1, website1/data, website1/conf)
- Create the zoo.cfg
- Modify the solrconfig.xml, schema.xml under conf directory in core
- Run the solr server (bin/solr -d customfolder)
Using tx_solr extension
To use the extension tx_solr from TYPO3 TER, copy the jar file containing the plugin classes into your $SOLR_HOME/lib directory and then add the following to your solrconfig.xml file:
<queryParser name="typo3access" class="org.typo3.solr.search.AccessFilterQParserPlugin" />
In your schema.xml add a field like this:
<field name="access" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true" docValues="true" default="c:0" />
Finally, restart your servlet container.
Using Tikka with tx_solr
1. Upload the TIKA app.jar on the webserver
2. Set the path of the TIKA jar (absolute), java path, Solr path in extension configuration
3. Verify from report section