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ARM Technologies   ...  Press Release Details is now in TYPO3

ARM Technologies has kept another promise to its client. The relaunch of huge was done on Sep 01, 2016. A hard work of long 3 months is behind this success.

Another milestone achieved! Kudos to the team here at ARM Technologies. The migration of the from eZpublish CMS to TYPO3 CMS was completed successfully by Aug 31, 2016. The relaunch of the website was made on Sep 01, 2016. The new version of the website is now LIVE. Client is very happy and excited about it.

It was a very big challenge to ARM Technologies. Migration of a 16 years old website with over 10,000 pages and Gigabytes of media files from one CMS system to TYPO3 CMS was never easy. You need extreme knowledge of both the system to perform the task properly. Our client was also very tensed as they faced a failure with their first provider. But, at ARM Technologies we have kept our promises.

Working in was a huge learning experience for ARM Technologies, which will help the team in near future.



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